Review: Shaman King (2021) 33 ~ 52

These episodes in a nutshell were about the Shaman tournament and the conclusion of it. I’m really impressed how many episodes it took to finish the tournament with so many side story and fights. Usually, anyone would be bored because it stalls the main story but they did a good balance using drama or makingContinue reading “Review: Shaman King (2021) 33 ~ 52”

Review: Shaman King (2021) 16 ~ 32

These episodes were about the shaman fighting tournament with the last 3 episodes being about the story of You and how he met Anna. The story has been progressing well but somehow in the last episodes it got a little messy to the point that I got no idea what will happen with the tournament.Continue reading “Review: Shaman King (2021) 16 ~ 32”

Review: Shaman King (2021) 08 ~ 15

Episodes 8 and 9 were about the last fight for the qualifiers of the tournament, episodes 10 to 12 were about the intermediate time before the tournament and the fight against Ren’s dad and from episode 13, it’s about the start of the Shaman Fight with their first mission. Overall, the series has been plainContinue reading “Review: Shaman King (2021) 08 ~ 15”

Review: Shaman King (2021) 05 ~ 07

Episode 5 was about You taking the test to enter to the tournament and episodes 6 and 7 were about his first 2 matches. I think I forgot a detail from the OP review which I liked a lot the nice transition between the chorus 1st part and 2nd part (between the character’s presentation andContinue reading “Review: Shaman King (2021) 05 ~ 07”

Review: Shaman King (2021) 01 ~ 04

This is the reboot of the Shaman King series about shamans that are people who can interact with spirits and use them to gain their powers and the story of You who probably will become the strongest shaman called Shaman King. I got some good memories of this series but I don’t remember most ofContinue reading “Review: Shaman King (2021) 01 ~ 04”

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