Review: Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi 10 ~ 12

Episode 10 was about the basketball match, episode 11 was about new year and the last episode being about Harumi getting a big client and Futaba’s first day in the company.

Episode 10 was actually pretty good, the basketball was pretty good animated and the situations that made all the members retire to leave Natsumi vs Souta were funny. I wonder why they just don’t give all the Russian roles to Uesaka Sumire.

Episode 11 was fun too, especially the interview part (RIP Souta). Was nice that was related to the beach episode.

The last episode was more serious than the usual episode. It didn’t have much comedy and was more focused on the relationship between Futaba and Harumi. The ending was good.

Overall, as someone not that interested in romance, I’d say that the series was a nice surprise. The comedy is good and the relationship between the characters are interesting. The pairs are pretty much fixed so there’s no drama in that part. I’ll keep the A Tier as final rank.

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